Farm History

Farm Life as well as land and livestock stewardship is a priceless heritage that we consider a blessing and privilege. At Eastview Angus, family is what matters the most. With my wife and I leading the way on the farm, we have been blessed with six children, their spouses, and grandchildren. All six of our children were active in exhibiting livestock through long 4H careers as well as exhibiting cattle at the county, and state level. We are thankful for the helping hands when it comes to the daily ins and outs of farm life – from exhibiting cattle, breeding cattle, calving, vet work, making hay, and the day-to-day chores. This work is sacred and more than a brand, it’s a way of life.
Our purpose at Eastview Angus Farm is still simple in nature. We desire to provide seedstock to the beef Industry; and maintain focus on the genetics that produce high carcass values without sacrificing maternal and reproductive traits in our cow herd. We utilize as many tools as possible like DNA, individual measurements, and EPD evaluations. With integrity in mind, we then enter our bulls to be evaluated against other programs and animals at bull test stations. Lastly, our desire is to bring quality to your doorstep through our freezer beef as we continue to live out this way of life with the next generation following in our footsteps.